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WhatsApp. New suit. 5 Advantages:

WhatsApp. New suit. 5 Advantages:

The world's most common instant property application, WhatsApp, is testing 5 new options, trying to shape extra fun and easier to use.
The app is currently testing five features from privacy to photo editing, which are likely to be introduced in most months.
Currently, the app only allows users to use pre-existing posters, or use third-party posters, the new one is users will be freer to create posters for them.

The expected benefits are as follows:

Time limit for deleting messages: WhatsApp is currently changing the time limit for users to delete messages they send.
Currently, the instantaneous application allows users to delete messages an hour, 8 minutes and 16 seconds later, and the new feature currently being tested will be 7 days and 8 minutes.

Edit Images: Users of the app will be able to edit images within it without the need for an external tool. Editing will include limiting aspects of images and adding words to them and other options.

Image privacy and last seen: WhatsApp is currently seeking to introduce a feature that will help users hide the "last seen" or "last seen," and the account image, as users will be able to block the "status" in the app from some contacts.

Audio file control: WhatsApp will allow users to adjust the speed at which recordings and voice messages run, as users will be able to increase the speed at which these recordings run twice.

Poster maker: WhatsApp earlier introduced the poster maker into the version version of the computer, and work is under way to launch a similar manufacturer in the phone app.
Currently, the app only allows users to use pre-existing posters, or use third-party posters, but new users will be more free to create posters for them.

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